MyVoiceMatters (Campaign): Everyone has a role to play!

MyVoiceMatters is a campaign created by the EndFGM European Network that focuses on the importance of Community Voices in the movement to end female genital mutilation.

As an associate member organisation of EndFGM the Network against female genital cutting Switzerland pledges its support to the 7 principles for effective community engagement to end FGM!

  • #1 Understand community context and needs to end FGM
  • #2 Engage and communicate appropriately for effective community engagement to end FGM
  • #3 Ensure inclusive collaboration for effective community engagement to end FGM
  • #4 Empower for effective community engagement to end FGM
  • #5 Do not harm for effective community engagement to end FGM
  • #6 Be accountable. Be transparent. For effective community engagement to end FGM
  • #7 Involve communities in monitoring & evaluation for effective community engagement to end FGM

This campaign seeks to both create awareness on the issue of limited representation from affected communities, as well as to engage activists and organisations in sharing their work with communities and the efforts that have/can and should be made to further engage affected communities to end FGM.

Pledge your commitment!
Print some (or all) of our principles from our campaign materials section and share on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram with the following caption:
"As a member organisation of #endfgm we pledge our support to the 7 principles for effective community engagement to end FGM!"

#MyVoiceMatters #OurVoicesMatter #HerVoiceMatters #TheCommunityVoice #CommunityVoices #SeatAtTheTable #endfgm

MyVoiceMatters (Campaign): Everyone has a role to play!


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